Sunday, May 21, 2006

This is what it is all about

Someone (accio angel) recently posted a comment drawing attention to a vigorous discussion going on about These Girls on the Bones website. As I read through the discussion, I realized that this is why I made the film in the first place. Even though the film is built primarily to entertain, it also deliberately brings up a number of issues and throws them out there for your consideration. I am so happy people are picking up on these subjects and discussing them - it is the greatest compliment. I hope to see more in the future, both out there and here.

Check it out at

Careful, because if you haven't seen the film this discussion does contain SPOILERS. Best to watch the film, then get in on the discussion.


Blogger Red Devil said...

I'm glad you liked the film so much. I think the deflowering scene is one of the best in the film as well. Thanks for your kind words and support.

10:25 p.m.  
Blogger Red Devil said...

I will look into it - maybe the Canadian vesion has subtitles and/or is closed captioned.

12:56 p.m.  
Blogger Red Devil said...

Apologies for that - there should be subtitles on the DVD. I know we have a Closed Captioned script - which was created for our video masters for television broadcast. Give me a couple of days to find it and we will get it to you somehow.

9:17 p.m.  
Blogger Red Devil said...

terilyn - I have a copy of the dialogue list (the script that is used to create the Closed Captioned titles). If you email me at I can send you a copy. Just make sure to specify what format you want it in i.e. Word, rtf, pdf, etc.

4:00 p.m.  
Blogger Red Devil said...

High praise indeed! Glad that I can help out.

12:53 p.m.  
Blogger Jo said...

This is great - a film director being hands-on helping the fans!

Is it a general thing that DVDs from North America don't have subtitles? I'm sure that every DVD I've bought that has originated in the UK has subtitles on.

My copy of the DVD arrived today. Guess what I'll be doing this evening!!

1:53 p.m.  

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