Someone (accio angel) recently posted a comment drawing attention to a vigorous discussion going on about These Girls on the Bones website. As I read through the discussion, I realized that this is why I made the film in the first place. Even though the film is built primarily to entertain, it also deliberately brings up a number of issues and throws them out there for your consideration. I am so happy people are picking up on these subjects and discussing them - it is the greatest compliment. I hope to see more in the future, both out there and here.
After a little investigation I can now report that the US version of These Girls does not contain the extras that the Canadian disk has on it. The Canadian version has a commentary track with Caroline Dhavernas, Amanda Walsh, Holly Lewis and myself wise cracking for your entertainment. It also has an on the set interview with the girls and a whole pile of deleted scenes. The US version has none of these goodies - so beware. The Canadian version also has the cover art with David shirtless - perhaps a further bonus for some - whereas the US version has him in a white T-shirt (must be cold down there in LA). I have no idea if will ship to the US but I would advise getting the Canadian version if you want your money's worth.
*It looks like will ship to the US - so just point and clic.*
The DVD of These Girls is now available all over North America so now there is no excuse for not having seen it (except if you live in the rest of the world).
Ask for it at your local rental place or put it on your Netflix list (or list in Canada) - or you can buy it online at Barnes and Noble, Amazon or any other online retailer.